Gift Registry

Product Details

Availability: In stock



GiftRegistry helps your customers to create Gift Registry & notify loved ones to purchase on their behalf.




  1. Create Single Registry Item
  2. Add Multiple products to the registry with multiple desired quantity
  3. Share your Registry with your friends via facebook, twitter or email.
  4. Set Privacy of your Registry as public or private. If the registry is private, it doesn't appear in search result. Only the people having url or its id can view the registry.
  5. The shipping address provided by the customer appears in the checkout of the purchaser. So buyer can provide can provide his/her billing address while shipping address is set appears from provided gift registry shipping address. User can also customize the shipping address.
  6. The owner of Registry can set the desired quantity and can change any time when he/she wants.
  7. The Gift Registry Owner can also mention the product is Received / can set the count to zero.
  8. The Registry owner can also edit its Registry details and change the event date and description. The owner can also set the Registry image that would appear on Guest view as main image of registry.
  9. The Registry owner can see how the Gift registry looks like by going into the userView.
  10. The Registry owner can remove the Gift Registry.
  • Product Description

    to install extract the zip file in app/code folder

    run following commands

    php bin/magento module:enable Protech_Giftregistry --clear-static-content

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


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