
Product Details

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Photoeditor allows your customers to upload images,crop using CSV, apply frames and purchase finalized image.




  1. CSV pricing feature is included in extension that calculates the pricing of cropped image and applies rule of Dimensions.

  2. Photoeffects included, you can enable / disable according to your requirements.

  3. Muliple CSV files are uploaded and managed

  4. Set max and min image size

  5. Specify your allowed file types

  6. Custom validation and error messages accordingly

  7. Your customers can upload files, apply frames effects. Each frame has its own price, and linked with CSV pricing file which defines the dimensions rule with price individually

  8. A proper format of CSV is followed so that system can work on recognized foramt.

  9. Cropped Image preview in lightBox

  10. Live effects apply on image for customer

  11. View Thumbnail with effects / properties, selected by customer, at order detail in admin panel

  12. Ajax file uploading and processing

  13. Encrypted directories with encrypted file names stores inside media directory

  14. Multiple frame Items in a Frameset

  • Product Description

    Protech Photoeditor is an image picker extension facilitates your customer to pick image from thier computer, add cropping and apply desired effects. This type of extension is best for the image-based websites.


    Frontend Demo
    username: [email protected]
    Password: abc123

    Backend Demo
    username: demo
    Password: demo123

    On frontend customers can upload thier pictures from computer crop as they require. The cropping can be be done in easy two steps way :
    1. Using mouse pointer over the screen
    2. Enter custom width and height.
    Photoeditor module will match the associated dimensions by reading attached CSV file with particular product.

    Admin allows which product is going to be the photoeditor extension one by just setting "Is Photoeditor Product" to "yes" under photoeditor tab present inside product add/edit.

    Under module configurations admin controls image file type, enable/disable effects for customer .

    The Frames are managed under frameset Manager which can be found under: Photoeditor > Frameset Manager on backend
    A frameset Item contains multiple frames. Choosing one frameset Item for a product means customer is provided with a choice of specific category having several items.

    The pricing rule is defined by admin by uploading the CSV file and applying to a Frameset Item. To upload the csv file from admin navigate to Photoeditor and click CSV Manager. Upload your desired csv file and save with title.
    (Note: Be sure you follow the format as provided under guidelines )

    CSV Format

    CSV file is required for this extension and it must match specified specific format. The Format for CSV file is illustrated below in diagram:
    CSv Format

    Very first column for first row will always be empty, csv values proceeding right on the first row will be the width while first column from top bottom indicates the values for height. The rest of content will be the price. Each price is matched at specific point, i.e it will follow x and y positions. By selecting specific width and height , the value for price will eliminated through comparing row for height value and column for width value.

    For instance by considering figure above if we select width = 100 and height =200, the selected price will be 60. Suppose another case that if we select width=500 and height=200 then the selected price will be 210.


    1. CSV pricing feature is included in extension that calculates the pricing of cropped image and applies rule of Dimensions.
    2. Photoeffects included, you can enable / disable according to your requirements.
    3. Muliple CSV files are uploaded and managed
    4. Set max and min image size
    5. Specify your allowed file types
    6. Custom validation and error messages accordingly
    7. Your customers can upload files, apply frames effects. Each frame has its own price, and linked with CSV pricing file which defines the dimensions rule with price individually
    8. A proper format of CSV is followed so that system can work on recognized foramt.
    9. Cropped Image preview in lightBox
    10. Live effects apply on image for customer
    11. View Thumbnail with effects / properties, selected by customer, at order detail in admin panel
    12. Ajax file uploading and processing
    13. Encrypted directories with encrypted file names stores inside media directory
    14. Multiple frame Items in a Frameset

    How It works

    After completing installation with Photoeditor you can configure it out accordingly. To configure photoeditor first, navigate to System > Configuration. Then from left navigation choose Pro-techsoft Extensions > Photo Editor. You can configure General settings and CSV Pricing accordingly. These settings will directly effect the Photoeditor.

    Admin manages the Frames and CSV files by navigating to Photo Editor. To Manage Frames click Manage Frames, and to manage csv files click Manage CSVs.

    Manage Frames:

    Frame Grid :
    Frame Grid consists of Frameset Items consisting of more than one frames and applied to products. The Grid shows minimum to maximum pricing influnced by inner frames. Total Frame Items also shown in Grid.

    Add/Edit Frameset Item Information:
    Frameset Item consists of several Frames and holding information about itself and the frames inside it. To Add an Frameset Item click Add an Item, or edit by clicking over an Grid item.

    Manage Frames tab inside Frame Item contains information about frames including their title,price,description and Image.

    Multi Frames are supported inside single Frame Item. To Add a new Frame click Add New Fram button.

    The Frameset Item can be associated with products directly by clicking the Apply to Products Tab. By doing so, the product item gets associated with current Frameset Item and on frontend product is used as photoeditor product. The Frames from current Frameset Item can be applied to the selected product items.

    Manage CSVs
    To Manage CSV files for photoeditor, navigate to Photo Editor > Manage CSVs in admin panel. There you will see the Grid for CSV files if there is any. You can edit the csv files by clicking on edit, or view or download directly by clicking over the file name.

    To Add a CSV file click on Add An Item, and Fill out the required infrmation and save it. Configure Product For Photoeditor Extension

    To configure a product for Photoeditor extension, add/edit any product set the options for product accordingly, set the Frameset, select CSV desired CSV files specify labels and hit save to save the settings for product.


    The only photoeditor enabled product is used to upload image and apply special effects. Customer then can upload their photos , crop , add enabled effects and apply wished frame by selecting available frames. The Frames appear are the child of a selected single Frameset Item. The Regular price gets changed according to the frame price.

    The product that is customized can be viewed in a LightBox. Finally by adding product item to cart sends properties as custom options and the options are finally saved with order while placing order.


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