Chocolate Assortment Customizer

Product Details

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Chocolate Assortment Customizer enables your customers to place their favorite chocolates in assortment box.


  1. One of three Assortment boxes available to choose to customize for a product

  2. Custom option includes the file uploading option to upload custom image for your custom option item in a product at backend

  3. Add or Remove Items visually to your GiftBox, and after selecting great choice add your Assortment to cart

  4. Chocolate Assortment has fix price no matter what item is added to it. This business rule attracts your customer to your site and products

  5. Multi-tabs to categorize the item for multi-choicing for your customers

  • Product Description

    Chocolate Assortment Customizer enables your customers to place their favorite chocolate items in assortment box. Three assortment boxes with ranges 4,8 and 12 can be filled by several choclate flavors based on your customer choice. The range is specified on choice of product content. Chocolate assortment box can also have miscellaneous items based on your shop or customer's requirements. This can give your customers variety of choices and they can choose exactly what they need.

    Chocolate Assortment Customizer displays your items based on custom options added in a product. These options work only if extension is set to work in general settings of the product. The choice of box can also be selected from product general settings, later on can be changed on updating.


    Frontend Demo
    username: [email protected]
    Password: abc123

    Backend Demo
    username: assortment
    Password: assortment123


    1. One of three Assortment boxes available to choose to customize for a product
    2. Custom option includes the file uploading option to upload custom image for your custom option item in a product at backend
    3. Add or Remove Items visually to your GiftBox, and after selecting great choice add your Assortment to cart
    4. Chocolate Assortment has fix price no matter what item is added to it. This business rule attracts your customer to your site and products
    5. Multi-tabs to categorize the item for multi-choicing for your customers

    How it Works

    After done with installation of your Chocolate Assortment Customizer, clear magento cache, navigate to Configurations and select Chocolate Assortment from menu.
    You can change extension status by selecting yes or no from option. To disable extension select No.
    Chocolate Assortment Customizer Configuration Settings


    To Create a Chocolate Assortment enabled product; Go to Catalog > Product then Edit or Add A New Product and in general settings set options from from drop down : Use Chocolate Assortment Customizer to Yes & Maximum number of Items to your desired value, i.e: 4,8 or 12.

    Enable Assortment For Product

    Custom Options

    It is nessary to declare the bunch of custom options for Chocolate Assortment Customizer enabled product.
    For a product you must know how to add custom options for a product in order to work with Chocolate Assortment Customizer. You must emphasise on parent and child custom options. As there must be a parent checkbox custom option and it's child might be the input text field. There is also image uploading option for product if you want to display image of your Assortment item to your customer.
    Below is the screenshot to the custom options pattern.

    Parent Custom Option:

    Parent Custom Option must be of type Checkbox

    Child Custom Option:

    Add multiple text fields in child custom option, set images and press button Upload Images to properly upload images

    Custom Options


    At Frnotend your customers can choose the varitey of chocolates accordingly and thier target to full the assortment box with their favorite items. By Pressing Add Button item is added to to assortment box. Item can also be removed from the assortment box prior adding to cart. Hence the items are fully added to the Assortment Box, customer can place to his/her cart and then finally item is purchased.

    Chocolate Assortment Box - Frotnend


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