Product Description
DTier Pricing, Dimension Tier Pricing, module allows your customer to calculate the variable sized products using CSV configurations. Product's price bases on dimension i.e size (width and height) . There are number of quantities over each price.
DTier Pricing module consist of two steps at front-end on product view page.
Step 1 is CSV bussiness rule implication by using attached CSV file with product. CSV file holds all the configuration and information which is to be applied on product for calculations. As name depicts the calculation will be performed on dimension ( width and height) defined against each price list.
Your customer can select any of the availble dimension, the quantity along with price list appears at bottom which can be selected as single option from a radio button. After selecting the quantity customer will click the continue button to contiue to next step to add product to cart.
Step 2 contains the image uploading option (based on backend configuration) and special optional instruction to admin staff by customer. Click Add to cart button adds the product to cart and proceed to cart page.
After order has been placed by customer, admin can view the DTier Pricing order at DTier Pricing navigation in admin panel. Admin can see the placed orders in grid and by clicking the details can be revealed for an item. Admin can approve or reject the status of order and also can communicate to customer through message option.
Customer can view the Dtier Pricing Orders from its dashboard. The list of plcaed Orders will appear at Dimension Tier Pricing page at customer dashbaord. By clicking an item id will show the details page of order. Page contains the full order details including custom images and the admin staff messages. From here customer can reply or message to Admin staff for special requests or further support.
At backend the Dtier Pricing is disabled by default and have no settings on product. To activate the DTier pricing over a product by making Dtier enabled, uploading relivent CSv file and setting custom options(if any).
Frontend Demo
username: [email protected]
Password: abc123
Backend Demo
username: demo
Password: demo123
- Dimension Tier Pricing allows you to sell your product with respect to size and quantity. This helps in saving sales profit.
- The price configuration totaly base on the definitions in attached csv file.
- Customize columns and rows label to display on frontend.
- Add Custom csv options from product page to add additional tier pricing rules after csv configurations.
- DTier has separate Order management section with specified customer images and instructions, custom threads to talk to customers. Customers can reply back to the admin queries at that specific order.
- DTier Facilatates customer to describe the product by uploading an image and writting instructions. This makes easy order placement.
How it works:
To enable the Dimensional Tier pricing and setting it you need to configure it. Go to System > Configuration > PRO-techSoft Extensions > Dimension Tier Pricing and set the option "Enable DTier Pricing" to 'Yes'. Select and fill-out other options accordingly, set allowed types for image support formats, set max and min image dimensions , set measurement unit and hit save to completely configure the extension settings.
To use Dtier extension on a product navigate to DTier Pricing tab at product add page in admin panel. Set "Dtier Product" to 'Yes' to make product associated with the Dimension Tier Pricing.
Upload CSV file which is required when Dtier is checked yes to enabled for product.
How CSV Works:
Csv configuration file is an important part of the extension becuase without extension wouldn't work.
In CSV file the top row is quantity row, while the first column after first row is the size column, defining width and height separated by '-'. If hyphen or dash is not present width and height is considered the same value.
And the rows, leaving first row and first column, are the price values against each size and quantity.
So the price is read by current row's first item as size and current column's first item as quantity. So the current selected value is price value. The image below illustrates well about the pricing rule.