Price Calculator

Product Details

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PriceCalculator enables Area & Volume based pricing,suitable for products such as liquids,blinds,flooring etc.




  1. Product Price is dynamically updated based on input values
  2. Multiple Input and output size units are supported such as Meter, Centi-meter, Milli-meter, Inch etc.
  3. Length, area and volume calculations
  4. Custom Validation messages
  • Base Image

    Product Description

    Price Calculator is suitable for calculations of Area or Volume based pricing. It is suitable to calculate the pricing for liquids, flooring, blinds etc. The price calculation involves the area , volume or other unit set by you at backend for your customer.

    Price Calculator calculations are performed after the declarations of busuiness rule, suitable custom options and valid settings at extension backend. Business Rules and custom options are applied on each product individually. The porducts missing any of these things are not price calcualtor product.

    Business Rule is defined under tab Price Calculator in products and is separted in semicolumns. These labels are declared at extension settings so that it is easy for the system to recognize values. There are two defined calculations as Area and volume. For Instance to calculate the Area the pricing Rule will be like something: width;height;area;
    On other hand, to calculate the volume the formula will be : width;height;length;volume;

    System recognizes by label and performs the calculations accordingly. Price Calculator is supported with both convertable input and output units.

    Price Calculator Extension enables Area and Volume based pricing. It is suitable for products such as liquids, blinds, fabric, flooring, banners etc. Several input/output units are supported in this module such as centimeters, meters, millimeters, Inches and Feet.


    Frontend Demo
    username: [email protected]
    Password: abc123

    Backend Demo
    username: pricecalculator
    Password: pricecalculator123


    1. Product Price is dynamically updated based on input values
    2. Multiple Input and output size units are supported such as Meter, Centi-meter, Milli-meter, Inch etc.
    3. Length, area and volume calculations
    4. Custom Validation messages

    How it works:

    After installation of extension make sure you have done valid settings before using extension to any product. Make sure you have marked the labels according to your choice and remember the marked logos.


    Now go to the product and inside tab Price Calculator set the business rule accordingly and select desired input and output units. Set the minimum and maximum values, create custom options accordingly and save the product.


    Frontend of the product adopts the changes and the prices are calculated via price calculated automatically. The price will warry on aplied business rule to the product.



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