Product Description
Backend Url: http://dev.magentonyctech.com/magenton_admin/
User: extensions
Pass: extension@123
Installation Instructions
1 - Extract the zip file of extension in magento 2 root
2 - Login through SSH and move to magento root folder
3 - Type FOllowing Commands
-- php bin/magento module:enable Protech_Automailer --clear-static-content
-- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
-- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
4 - Login at backend
5 - Goto Automailer Link at backend
6 - Add Events from Automailer Menu
7 - Create EMail Templates from Marketing >> Email Templates Menu
8 - Associate Templates with Event using Automailer Menu
9 - Setup Magento Cron Job with following jobs
php bin/magento cron:run | grep -v
php update/cron.php
php bin/magento setup:cron:run